The past 10 years neighbors have always been there. Four houses, four different cities. Some neighbors are nice, others not. Why are women, mothers against each other almost like turf wars? Shouldn't mothers be all on the same team? I have two stories to "vent about".
In 2007 our Allie was age 4. She was finding out how to be friends. The little girl down the street was a year younger. Allie as she always does, told the little girl she didn't like her brown skirt. The mother came up to me and said, "I do not want our girls playing together from here on out". I am not kidding! I told the mom how sorry I was. I explained she has a neurological disorder and she says what is on her mind. This was before an asperger's diagnosis. The mother did not want to hear of what I was saying.
The years go by. And we get really great neighbors here and there. The latest story puzzles me. Allie now is 10 and at school. I offered to watch a neighbors baby at 3:00 pm while she takes her other two children somewhere. I have a baby at home myself. No problem. The babies can stare at each other! That morning around 10:30 the phone rang and it was Allies school teacher. "Allie had a big seizure just now, she is sleeping". I called E to tell him please go get Allie, (generally more seizures follow). I phoned the neighbor and explained that Allie has seizures, she is at school and E went to pick her up. I am sorry I cannot watch your baby today". This crazy women, got so flustered she could barely speak. I don't know if she really understood what a seizure was. I call her crazy because she actually hung up on me. HUNG UP!! How old are we? I sobbed after that. I don't know why. I guess I felt like shit.
So moving forward I will not allow myself "out there" anymore. I will not push our selves on anyone because I do not know how they will do with special needs kids. No more!