Allie's A.M. meds are in the white boxes. P.M. meds in the blue.
I use this drug checker website to check drug interactions:
Vimpat 100 mg twice daily - seizure control. Side effect is loose stool.
Depakote 250 mg once daily - seizure control. Side effect is aggressive behaviors.
Citalopram 5 mg once daily - anxiety control.
Clonazepam 2mg as needed first sign of seizure. Stops a cluster
Haleigh's Hope CBD oil 1 mg daily
Vienva 1mg daily bc pill for seizure and mood control
Acidophilus colon health PRN.
Melatonin for sleep PRNEczema cured from vanicreme ointment applied right after shower!
Vimpat 100 mg twice daily - seizure control. Side effect is loose stool.
Depakote 250 mg once daily - seizure control. Side effect is aggressive behaviors.
Citalopram 5 mg once daily - anxiety control.
Clonazepam 2mg as needed first sign of seizure. Stops a cluster
Haleigh's Hope CBD oil 1 mg daily
Vienva 1mg daily bc pill for seizure and mood control
Acidophilus colon health PRN.
Melatonin for sleep PRNEczema cured from vanicreme ointment applied right after shower!
Lorazapam 2 MG quick dissolve seizure control PRN. Horrible rage effects post.
Lorazapam 2 MG quick dissolve seizure control PRN. Horrible rage effects post.
Topamax for seizure control. D/C due to break through seizures.
Keppra for seizure control. D/C due to bad rages, aggression.
Trilliptal for seizure control. D/C due to break through seizures.
Phenobarbital for seizure control. D/C used for short term in 2004.
Tennex/Guanfacine body rocking control used for years low does worked well. High dose of 1 mg tid caused extreme aggression.
Abilify for mood stabilizer. D/C due to non-effective.
Citalopram for mood stabilizer. D/C read about black box label, on it for only 6 weeks.
Ritalin for mood stabilizer. D/C really high energy, increased rages.
Lamictal for seizure control. D/C higher doses caused extreme aggression and rages.
Riseridone for rages. D/C due to weight gain, OCD with food, bad behavior.
Intuniv for rages. D/C due to weight gain.
Zyprexa for rages. D/C non effective during rage, then zombie effect next 24 hours.
Fish oil for biomedical treatment. D/C due to daily nose bleeds.
Epi pen peanut allergy PRN. D/C grew out of allergy.
Epi pen peanut allergy PRN. D/C grew out of allergy.
Vitaspectrum for biomedical treatment. D/C due to rash on arms.
Flinstones MV. D/C break for a while.
Claritin for allergies. D/C aggression.
B12 Injections biomedical treatment. D/C fatigue.
Fluconizole for yeast die off. PRN. Works well.
Protopic ointment for eczema patches. PRN. Eczema cured from vanicreme ointment.
Topicort ointment (steroid) short term use for eczema. PRN
Sprintec (Ortho -Cyclen bc) mood stabilizer, seizure control. D/C aggression.
Reclipsen mood stabiziers, seizure control. D/C aggression.
Meds 4-18-12
- Lamictal 62.5 twice daily - anti seizure.
- Depakote 125 mg twice daily - anti seizure.
- Guanfacine 0.5 mg three times daily - body rocking.
- Levocarnitine 330 mg twice daily - Depakote depleats the caritine levels.
- B Complex with Vit C - deficiencies.
- Prima Acadophilus chewables - digestive support.
- Melatonin 5 mg at bedtime - promotes sleep.
- Cal-Mag 300/330 twice daily - dietary supplement.
- Vitamin D3 1000 IU once daily - dietary supplement.
- Lorazapam 1mg p.r.n. - at first sign of seizure, stop cluster seizures.
- Epi Pen p.r.n. - peanut allergy.
Past Meds - I keep the past medication bottles. They have accurate information if I ever need to reference them.
- Topamax - had break through seizures..
- Keppra - bad rages, aggression .
- Triliptal - had break through seizures.
- Phenobarbital - narcotic to stop seizures, temporary only.
- Abilify - non-effective.
- Risperdal - weight gain.
- Intuniv - weight gain.
- Zyprexa - zombie effect for 24 hours.
- Fish oil - daily nose bleeds.
- Vitaspectrum - rash on arms.
- Flinstones MV - she got sick of the taste.
- Ibuprofen - blood in urine.
- Ritalin and Concerta - bad post rages.
- Claritin - bad tempertantrums.
- B12 injections - really tired. May try again in future.
- Citalopram/Celexa 10 mg once daily, was prescribed never taken.
- Curcumin - bloody noses
- Fluconizole - yeast die off.

Rash on both arms from Vitaspectrum.
"The bottom line... my recommended approach and timing for taking a probiotic supplement are... Take it prior to eating breakfast with a glass of pure water. Wait 10-15 minutes after taking it before you eat because stomach acid from your meal could impact some of the 'good' bacteria (you could lose 5-10%). Avoid taking it within 3 hours of taking any antibiotic..." - Dr. Mercola.
Depakote Levels - and blood toxicity levels are drawn every 60 days.
January 12, 2009 - level 67 -had break through seizure.
May 26 2009 - level 119
March 19, 2010 - level 87 -had breakthrough, had bladder infection, on ceftin
March 25, 2010 - level 73 -still on ceftin, headaches
April 21, 2010 - level 72 -seizure today. unknown reason for low levels (maybe growing)
March 25, 2010 - level 73 -still on ceftin, headaches
April 21, 2010 - level 72 -seizure today. unknown reason for low levels (maybe growing)
Jan 13, 2010 - level 16.9
May 28, 2011 - level 37
June 20, 2011 - level 76.2 -July 4-6 seizures for 48 hours