Thursday, September 14, 2017

Just a normal Summer with PCDH19
Why do we have weeks without seizures than BAM, every week with seizures?
That is the grey hairs on my fucking head. I can swear this is my own blog.
Weeks in summer without seizures due to this epileptologist Dr. Walleigh pronounced like the Disney movie Wall E. Denver Childrens Hospital. She said "I will put Allie on a birth control pill before I put her on another anti seizure drug".
Yep. Birth control! Holy fucking shit. Really?? It worked the entire summer without seizures because of that one little pill. She was spotting in August. So the doctor said take a break from the pill let her menstruate. BAM fucking seizures. Weekly now. How do we get back to no seizures? Try another pill. Ok. Nope that did not work. Ok put her back on the pill that did work. Ok. Poor Allie had terrible mood swings. Had to pick he up from school twice in a two week period because she was running out of the fucking middle school. OMG. Can I get her any relief?
Back to square one. Calm her down. She is on medical marijuana called drum roll please - Haleigh's Hope. I will provide the link here.

So we do give her a medical marijuana (yes the State of Colorado gives us permission with a valid RED CARD) with a little supplement of THC to help her not fucking crawl out of her skin. It works. 

Side story, because that's what I do. One night after school she was jacked up. Not listening being totally irrational crawling out of her skin. I literally saw her climbing over our backyard fence wanting to visit and walk over to Nana's house. NANA lives in fucking MN. We live in Colorado.  Ok not happening Allie. I am alone with a four year old t-rex and Allie climbing over the fucking fence. Eric (hubby) love him to death, is at his guys night out playing board games. Whatever. Soooo success story here, I give her a little extra HH and extra drop of THC. Calms her down. YES. Thank you whole cannibus plant. I did not have Eric come home from his guys night out. I handled it myself. Allie was calm. Peaceful on our bed. Talking via FaceTime with her beloved Nana in MN and Uncle Aaron. OMG. Thank the universe for living in CO and having access to this plant. 

Peace out Summer 2017. 

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