Thursday, February 23, 2012


Hair care is a battle everyday of our lives. Allie has beautiful hair she inherited from Dad and Nana. How could I cut it off again? Backup to age 3 and temper tantrums daily. We said, "Let’s cut it off.” I look back at those pictures and I just think, “Never again!” So now she is 8 and ½ years old with long, snarly hair…especially in the back underneath. I finally found a great product after six years of going through every children's detangler there was on the American market!  Drum roll please... "It's a 10." Yes, that is the name. It’s packaged in a beautiful, blue bottle. This stuff works. Expensive, but worth every single penny. It’s only sold in salons at this point.
Another topic is showers. For Allie to shampoo and rinse her hair by herself in the shower is not a good idea. Dad took over one night and wanted to give Allie her privacy. She was so proud she announced to us both that she washed her hair all by herself without help. We cheered and made a big deal. However, I was combing her hair and discovered the top back of her hair was full of suds. If anyone can relate to a child with autism, and an independence moment like we just had, I did not want to ruin this one. I combed through the suds, getting out as much as I could without saying anything. Was it greasy the next day? Yes. Did I care? Nope. I still inspect after her shampooing, and still have to go in with our handheld showerhead to get all the suds out…No big deal!

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